When the brook dries up

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 17: 1 - 9
Author: Daniel Mynvk (Colarado, US)
Friday 19 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
One Wednesday morning, my boss beckoned me into his office. Instead of receiving the usual briefing for my work, I received a small severance package, terminating my position. Driving home and holding back tears, I thought about my four-month-old son whose traumatic birth had required heart surgery. The hospital visits and bills for an oxygen tank weighed on my shoulders. How could I care for my son’s needs with no income?

Often we do not understand why we face trials like these. But God’s own prophet Elijah endured a drought for three years, living only on bread from ravens and water from a brook. After all hope had vanished, Elijah learned to trust in God’s care and timing. Elijah’s rescue came only after the brook had dried up.

God knows our needs even better than we do. Sometimes we don’t receive the specific help we think we need. But, like the apostle Paul, who prayed fervently for healing, we can learn to glory in our    sufferings so that God’s strength will be manifest (see 2 Corinthians 12:9).  At other times the answer is better than we could hope for. One week after losing my job, God provided me with a better one. Now my son is happy, healthy, and growing. Our faith can flourish when we trust in God’s timing.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to trust your wisdom in times of drought when the brook dries up so that we build our faith in you and not in ourselves. Amen
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