Showing God's Love

Bible Reading: Psalm 34: 1 - 10
Author: James Tang (Singapore)
Thursday 18 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Recently, I went through three medical procedures for my prostate, bladder and colon. Initially I was worried because I had overheard the doctor say something about a round spot in one of my X-rays. However, friends reassured me with their prayers, and the results of the follow- up procedure turned out to be all clear. 

When I shared some details of the procedures with my prayer group, one of them said that he was grateful to hear my story because he was preparing for a procedure himself. He was worried because he had no one to drive him home since his wife would be overseas that week and his only son was busy with school exams. 

On that day, one of our group members turned up to stay with him at the hospital and drive him home. He was also given the all-clear by his doctor. From God, our friend had been given a double dose of peace: a clean bill of health and a friend to take him home. Through our prayers and conversation, our prayer group has demonstrated God’s love and care, reminding us that anyone can come    forward to show God’s love.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for giving us opportunities to show your love to our friends in need. Amen 

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BSL devotions is such a fantastic resource, thank you so much for starting it up and developing the site. I am a Christian hearing person who works with deaf people and have loved the opportunity to develop my understanding of and use of christian signs through the videos. It would be great to know who all the sign interpreters are as well as those who write the devotional content. Perhaps as the website grows in the future, UK deaf and hearing Christians can contribute to the devotion content. Many thanks and blessings. Please keep the site going! HJ