No limits

Bible Reading: Read Ephesians 4:4-10
Author: George T. Wilkerson (North Carolina, US)
Saturday 20 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
Jacob had been wearing the same pair of shoes for five years, and they were literally disintegrating on his feet. Though there are roughly 140 of us at this prison, death row has only twelve jobs available, each paying $2.80 per week. A pair of shoes costs $40.00, and Jacob is unemployed.
Recently, Jacob needed to leave the prison to see a doctor. While Jacob
was waiting to go out, another prisoner being transferred to a different
prison put a brand new pair of shoes on the counter and said, ‘Give
these to someone who needs them.’ Technically, the officer was supposed to throw them away because prisoners are not allowed to give other prisoners gifts, but she felt moved to ask Jacob his shoe size.

The shoes were a perfect fit. Jacob had been praying for God to provide for him and trusted that God would. Sometimes we put limits on what God can do because we focus on the ‘normal’ sources from which our
needs are met. But God is limitless and can meet our needs in unexpected ways.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to trust you to provide for our needs. Amen
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I am so thrilled and excited about the BSL version of Deaf Missions Daily Devotions. I have their booklet and been using them for nearly a year. I have good command of English but still struggle with the concept of the context at times. What a difference it has made just watching someone signing the passage so clearly and of superior quality! I notice the USA are far more advanced with access to the Gospel in ASL but now you have made it possible for us. So many thanks for this! May it go from strength to strength. JJ