Chorus of praise

Bible Reading: Psalm 19:1-14
Author: Alla Vuksta (Uzhgorod, Ukraine)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
I love the early morning when it is still dark, but the pale light of dawn is beginning to show. I rise early and then I listen for the soft, lonely voice of the morning’s first bird. Within a few seconds of the first birdsong, the voice of another bird joins in. A few seconds later a third joins, then ten, then a hundred, and then the myriad sounds of the dawn chorus fill the air.
At this time of day, when silence is broken by the first birds starting to praise God, I have a particularly strong sense of my Creator’s presence, power and love. Each morning, this glorious sound inspires me anew to pray and worship him. The birds encourage me to lift my voice in praise for all of the ways God is faithful to me, for the beauty of creation and especially for these birds, which are the first heralds of God’s power  each morning.

Prayer: O God, we thank you for the beauty of your creation, and for the first singing birds, from whom we learn to praise you every morning of every new day. Amen
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