God's goodness

Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1-14
Author: Ircha Martinez (Puerto Rico)
Friday 19 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
In 2013 my husband suffered a heart attack that left him with a heart function of only 30%, and he was given a pacemaker. It felt like a miracle that he was able to overcome this and other related physical challenges. Ever since that experience, Psalm 27:13 has become one of my favourite passages of scripture.
Early in 2016, my husband’s health suffered another setback caused by renal complications. He endured difficult days with much pain. Yet still, we saw God’s goodness. Later when my husband died, it was difficult to see death as part of God’s goodness. We – my husband’s family and friends – experienced moments when we lacked understanding, but God remained faithful. Accepting his goodness allowed us  the grace to see the fullness of his promise with faith and hope, the promise of life eternal without illness, pain or anguish.

Prayer: God of hope, thank you for surrounding us with your strength, love and goodness even in our sadness. With the psalmist we remain confident that we will see your goodness. Amen
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