On a desert island

Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-8
Author: Todd Diedrich (Wisconsin, US)
Tuesday 23 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
I speak at leadership conferences for businesses and organisations. I like to start my sessions by asking the group a question to spark conversation: if you were going to be left on a desert island all by yourself, what one item would you choose to take with you and why?
I love the responses to this question. The things I have heard and  the reasons behind them are always fascinating to me: a microwave, a photo of family, a comb, a Bible, matches, underwear, a pen – the list goes on. It is not about the item itself as much as it is about the hope that the item brings to each person. Although some of the items seem silly and useless on a desert island, each has the ability to help a person hold on to the courage to continue looking forward.
While some comfort can be found in objects, our ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ, who gives us hope to endure all our difficult circumstances – divorce, sickness, unemployment or whatever our personal desert island might be. Today’s quoted verse assures us that we can find comfort when we keep our focus on Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, you are our hope in every circumstance. Even when we feel stranded, we know we can trust in you. Amen
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Thanks for your daily devotions. It helps me to stay focused and realise my work with a deaf blind lady is all worthwhile. E'OD