My Strength and My Song

Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1-14
Author: Kimberly Leon (Missouri, US)
Thursday 18 April 2024 © The Upper Room.


When my four-year-old woke up with a high temperature and fever, I didn’t think I had the physical or emotional energy to deal with yet another illness. I am distressed when my children are ill because I don’t want them to suffer and also because I realise that I am not in control. I can’t take away their sickness or discomfort. I also need to accept that my plans must change. I will more than likely miss work to care for them, which makes stretching the next meagre pay cheque to meet our expenses more difficult.

At times like these, I can choose to focus my energy on lamenting the situation and wishing it were different, which makes me feel defeated and overwhelmed. But when I remember that ‘the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song’, I feel lighter and more hopeful. I am still facing the same challenges; but when I turn to God, my spirit is lifted. I can more easily see the ways he is at work in the situation: the text message I get from a friend checking on us, a colleague who is able to cover my shift, extra moments spent with my children. Although the situation is not what I would have chosen, when I look for God’s presence, I find strength and joy.

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I am deaf with C.I. - basic BSL, want to learn more. Go to Bridgwater and Weston Super Mare signing church. Have met Gill several times. I think this is a wonderful!! My kind friend Astrid sent me this from Bristol - she has cycled round the world in 2 years - a magical feat! I found life difficult when becoming deaf and decided to make it more `visible` by making BSL jewellery. I have sold some and donate to BSL bible translation, so it is lovely to have this and I will tell my friends about it. JN