Shine On

Bible Reading: John 1:1-9
Author: Lu Fullilove (Texas, US)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Recently, the moon was closer to the Earth than it would be at any other time during the year. Because of its nearness, the moon appeared larger and brighter than usual. The brilliant light shone by the ‘super-moon’ cast shadows in my garden just as the sun does during the day. The moon seemed to produce its own glow; however, its luminescence was but a reflection of the sun’s intense radiance.

I want to be like that super-moon at all times, brilliantly reflecting a power greater than my own. I ask myself: ‘Do I regularly display kindness, forgiveness and love? Am I a good example for others to follow? Or do I shine brightly only on rare occasions? Do I perform good deeds so that others will praise me or because I know that doing so is God’s will for me?’ When I consciously draw nearer to God my thoughts, words and actions can more intensely reflect his love to others.

Prayer: God of the universe, thank you for the wonders of creation that display your almighty power and glory. Help us to be true reflections of you to others. Amen

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Fantastic! I’m so thrilled by God’s goodness that He has brought about such a wonderful way of communicating His love and Gospel to Deaf people. I’m convinced God will use it to His glory and that it will be an effective means of nurturing Deaf Christians for whom church and the Bible is often difficult. You can be assured of my prayers in asking our Father to use these means to reach Deaf people who would never dream of entering a church building. KS