Dry and Weary Land

Bible Reading: Psalm 42:1-8
Author: Ken Edwards (New Mexico, US)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Several years ago, my family and I moved to New Mexico. Living in a desert has given me a new understanding of the Bible’s references to a dry and weary land. 

Here, it seems as if nothing grows except near a stream or river. Near the river beautiful farmland flourishes and flowering trees bloom for most of the season. But even half a mile from the water, nearly everything dries up.

Just as plants draw nourishment from water, we find the nourishment we need to grow spiritually in time spent with God. What happens when we neglect to spend time with him? At first we may thirst, but if we ignore it, this awareness of our thirst will eventually fade. Just like water in a desert when it is cut off from its source, our relationship with God will dry up.

But we can flourish in our Christian life when we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the water of life and when we receive strength from him. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well, ‘The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life’ (John 4:14). Staying connected to God’s living water requires work. Disciplines such as spending time with him in prayer, studying the Bible and learning how to listen for God’s voice are all part of growing in our relationship with Christ. When we seek God every day, we can be sure that our thirst will be quenched by living water.

Prayer: Dear God, fill us with your living water today so we can walk in your love. Amen

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Hello Ramon Woolfe, wants to say thanks for the BSL Daily Devotions which is brilliant and i want to say thank you for put this up because i always watch Daily Devotions ASL so keep going as would like to see number growing as let God guide you all... I would love to get involve but only if you can :) God bless you all in richly CMV