First Impressions

Bible Reading: James 2:1-5
Author: Lisa Kay Tate (New Mexico, US)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Each week when our pastor tells the congregation to take out their Bibles, my husband takes out his smartphone. This has earned him more than one raised eyebrow or disapproving glance from those seated nearby.

If they looked closer, however, they would see that he, too, is opening his Bible—via an application on his phone. This comes in handy, as he can go quickly to the verse he needs, and he can also highlight passages, look up related devotional material and study guides, view maps and bookmark favourite verses. In addition, he knows whenever he has his phone with him, he has his Bible, too.

At first I felt a little angry with those so quick to judge based on what they thought they were seeing. But then I remembered that I too have been hasty to run with a first impression often based on unimportant factors such as how people are dressed, how they talk or their mood at the time.

In 1 Samuel 16:7, we are reminded that God ‘looks on the heart’ (NRSV). Perhaps if we took the time to look a little closer at those we judge on first impressions, we might better be able to do just that.

Prayer: Dear God, helps us to ‘look on the heart’ when we see others and not focus only on outward appearances. Amen

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It's great that the service is also provided in English. God Bless you Ramon. CS