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Bible Reading: Samuel 22:7-20
Author: Ryan M. Arndt (Pennsylvania, US)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

I can still remember the day a tornado developed just minutes away from my house. Even though it was small, its presence was shocking because Central Pennsylvania is not the typical place for tornadoes, big or small. I can still remember praying as the wind howled and the thunder clapped. I had never been so frightened.

Later, I remembered the words of today’s reading—that David began by telling us of his distress and ended with a description of God’s rescue.

When we call out to God, we can trust that he will answer. In times of trials, tribulation and even tornadoes, God is present with us. He will not forsake us but will lead us through the storm. As the sky grows dark and storm clouds roll in, he does not leave us. No matter what the circumstances or situation, when we call, God answers.

Prayer: Help us, O Lord, to remember that you are with us always. Give us the assurance that if we call you will answer. As Jesus taught us, we pray, ‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.’* Amen

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Fantastic! I’m so thrilled by God’s goodness that He has brought about such a wonderful way of communicating His love and Gospel to Deaf people. I’m convinced God will use it to His glory and that it will be an effective means of nurturing Deaf Christians for whom church and the Bible is often difficult. You can be assured of my prayers in asking our Father to use these means to reach Deaf people who would never dream of entering a church building. KS