True Greatness

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:1-5
Author: Geraldine Nicholas (Alberta, Canada)
Wednesday 24 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

The disciples were disputing the issue of greatness in the kingdom of heaven. In one sense, their debate was admirable. It revealed their belief in the promises of Jesus and his glorious kingdom. But when they posed the question, Jesus rebuked them saying, ‘Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven’ (Matthew 18:3). The disciples needed to turn in a new direction, to get rid of pride and to replace it with a childlike spirit of trust, dependence and humility. Only then would they be great.

People today love to debate who will go down in history as the greatest president or prime minister. Sports commentators enjoy discussing the greatest all-time sports figures. Although human achievements, wisdom and power are impressive in our world, none of them has anything to do with greatness from Jesus’ perspective. Selflessness, humility, compassion and love identify greatness in the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, may our Christian walk be characterised by greatness from your perspective. Amen


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It looks very slick and professional which in itself gives glory to God. Not only will it help the Deaf Christians in this country but it will also be an excellent resource for those of us interpreters who interpret in Christian settings. I pray that God continues to bless you in this initiative and look forward to testimonies of Deaf people that have come to faith through watching them as well. WE