
Bible Reading: Psalm 75:1-10
Saturday 20 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

A wise teacher tells her students that there will be a test and what material they should study. A wise student will study the material and be ready for the test.

In our Bible Reading today, God tells us that He will judge us. He also tells us what He wants us to do. If we are wise, we will prepare for this judgment.

In verses 4 through 7, God talks about proud people. Proud people brag about themselves and want other people to admire them.

But God is the only one who can decide who will be important. “He lifts one person up and brings another down” (verse 7b). We need to make sure that we are humble, not proud.

We are humble when we “tell people how great God is” and “sing praise to God” (verse 9). And we are humble when we think about God and other people more than we think about ourselves.

I hope you are humble and ready for God’s judgment. —SH*

Psalm 138:6 “The Lord has the highest place above all others, but he still cares for the humble. Even from there, so high above, he knows what the proud do.”

PRAYER: Father, help me to be humble. I want to honour You above all other things. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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