An Unlikely Offering

Bible Reading: Psalm 142:1-7
Author: Peggy Booher (Pennsylvania, US)
Thursday 25 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

One day while at work, I was worrying about some health problems I was facing. Angry about these problems, I realised that I had been complaining. I considered giving these concerns to God but then had second thoughts. Several Bible verses make it plain that God doesn’t want to listen to a complaining spirit (see Numbers 11:1, Philippians 2:14 and 1 Peter 4:9). However, I started unloading my concerns to him anyway. No one else was there to hear my complaints and I needed help.

Then a strange thing happened. I had expected to feel God’s displeasure but instead I felt peace. The tension I had experienced just a few minutes before had disappeared. I felt God was pleased, not with my complaining but with my willingness to trust him enough to express even the unpleasant things in my life.

Before this experience, I thought of an ‘offering’ as money I put into a collection plate at church. That particular day at work the only ‘offering’ I had to give to God wasn’t pleasant. But God—in grace, mercy and compassion—accepted it and showed me that my offerings of trust are valued.

Prayer: O God, we thank you that in trusting you with the difficult things in our lives we find peace, hope and healing. Amen

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